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Trusstor construction management Integration

Trusstor construction management
Trusstor is a construction operations platform bringing together a zero-intrusion IoT solution with advanced oversight, reporting and analysis capabilities to enable one single source of truth of how a build site is, and should be, performing.
Integration forPartner Card
Trusstor Monitor
Trusstor Monitor
Trusstor Dynamic Workplan
Trusstor Progress Tracker
Trusstor Issues and Task Manager
Trusstor Analysis Hub
The Integration

Trusstor’s construction management platform seamlessly integrates on-site, driving builders to instantly cut costs, optimize efficiency and raise safety standards, through complete visibility, real-time alerts, standardized communications, issues management and tailored site performance analytics. 

Trusstor is a construction management platform bringing together zero-intrusion IoT with advanced oversight, reporting and construction analytics capabilities to enable one single source of truth of how a build site is, and should be, performing.


  • Real-time project monitor allowing complete visibility of workers, activities and equipment on site
  • Dynamic workplan to allow real-time resource allocation and optimize on-site problem-solving
  • Tailored-to-site automated and customizable project performance intelligence


Technology built byTrusstor


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Trusstor helped me know in real-time that one of my workers got injured on site and needed evacuation and quick medical care, cutting down my time-to-reaction. Me and our entire team definitely act better and quicker now we have this powerful tool on site.

- Taisir Alshareef, Safety Manager

With Trusstor, I no longer need to manually keep track of each of our factory's workers timesheets, the system does it automatically for me. This saves me a massive amount of time, every day. 

- Hemi Shamir, Factory Manager