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Naviate Cloud Manager Integration

Naviate Cloud Manager
Microdesk is a Global BIM and EAM consulting firm dedicated to assisting design, construction and operations teams with improving workflows and integrating BIM, VDC and EAM technologies. 
Works with:Autodesk Build,
The Integration

Naviate Cloud Manager saves time while managing Autodesk Build so you can focus on high value tasks like digital transformation. Bulk tasks for editing multiple projects simultaneously are streamlined, including project creation, file uploads and archive snapshots or download syncs

Naviate Cloud Manager allows Autodesk Build administrators to manage multiple projects simultaneously and enables project data synchronization between intranet servers and the cloud environment. 


  • Securely Connect Autodesk Build Hubs with Your Autodesk Account
  • Create Multiple Autodesk Build Projects Simultaneously
  • Accelerate Adding Multiple Users to Multiple Projects
  • Copy Template Project Folder Structures with Files to Multiple Projects at the Same Time
  • Automate Model Publishing, Uploading & Downloading with Custom Integration
  • Sync Local Folders and Files to/from Autodesk Build Intelligently
  • Easily Filter Hub Member List
  • Multiple Project Upload & Download to/from Autodesk Build Hubs with Granular Control


Technology built byMicrodesk


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