Autodesk Construction Cloud Logo

Try Construction Software Ranked #1 by G2

Projects falling behind?

It might be time to switch lanes to the platform trusted on over 2.7 million projects.

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Based on 19,000+ reviews
Construction management software trusted by builders on 2.7M+ projects
DPR Construction Logo
Miron Logo
Walsh Construction logo
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Ranked #1 by G2 Users

Outranking the competition in Construction Project Management, Takeoff, and Bid Management.

Ranked by G2 users
#1 in Project Management
Ranked by G2 users
#1 in Takeoff
Ranked by G2 users
#1 in Bid Management

Faster implementation time.

The path to ROI is quicker with Autodesk Construction Cloud.

All data displayed here is derived from publicly available materials as of July 2, 2024. Mid-Market Grid® Report for Construction Project Management | Summer 2024

A leader in all categories.

Achieve results that matter — safer, faster, and with less stress — on Autodesk’s leading construction management platform.

Autodesk vs Procore

All data displayed here is derived from publicly available materials as of July 1, 2024. Comparison data from G2 Relationship Index for Construction Estimating | Summer 2024, Mid-Market Grid® Report for Construction Estimating | Summer 2024 , Enterprise Grid® Report for Construction Project Management | Summer 2024, Mid-Market Grid® Report for Construction Project Management | Summer 2024.

A trusted partner means trusted results.


faster at finding key project data

Miron Construction


hours saved per critical asset commissioned

Edged Energy


time-savings for project managers

Donohoe Construction


reduction in RFIs

Fitzemeyer & Tocci

Integrated with your technology ecosystem.

Autodesk Construction Cloud connects to the software that matters to you with over 400 integrations to ERPs, document management, analytics tools, and more.


Partners connected to Autodesk Construction software


Integrations with Autodesk Construction software


Custom integration workflows available via ACC Connect

Quotation mark

"I went in biased, and was heavily leaning toward pushing Procore to our group, however after we did the Procore testing we tested [Autodesk Construction Cloud] and I was blown away. Nearly every feature we were testing tested better than its competition."

- G2 reviewer, administrator in the construction industry
star rating
Getting started is easy.

Based on +17,000 reviews

All data displayed here is derived from publicly available materials as of July 2, 2024. G2 conducts independent research according to their research methodology. No paid research has been conducted. Comparison data from G2 Relationship Index for Construction Estimating | Summer 2024, Mid-Market Grid® Report for Construction Estimating | Summer 2024 , Enterprise Grid® Report for Construction Project Management | Summer 2024, Mid-Market Grid® Report for Construction Project Management | Summer 2024. You can read about G2’s categorization methodology and standard definitions of terms used.