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Join Docs Integration Integration

Join Docs Integration
Modern construction is built on collaboration. Join brings together contractors, owners, and design teams to facilitate better decision-making throughout the project journey. Because working together is how better gets built.
Integration forBuild
Join-Autodesk Integration Video
1. add an autodesk file link to Join
2. select Link Accounts to connect to Autodesk Docs
3. sign into your autodesk account
4. attach your assets from Autodesk Docs
5. asset is now linked to Join item or Milestone
Works with:Autodesk Docs, Autodesk Build
The Integration

Access to all project data is critical to the decision-making process. Use the Join Autodesk Docs integration to leverage the Join collaborative project delivery platform for access to all your project documents securely stored in Autodesk Docs.

The Join integration with Autodesk Docs allows you to link any of your project documents to any Join Item or Milestone, ensuring all your project stakeholders always have the most current information to make informed decisions with confidence.


  • Link your documents of record to any Join Item or Milestone to better inform your decision-making
  • Vew, edit, or annotate your linked documents in Autodesk Docs
  • Enable collaborative conversations with confidence with access to all your latest documents
  • Access Autodesk Docs only by those with granted permissions


Technology built byJoin


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Compared to the spreadsheets and other cost tracking tools we have seen, Join makes it much easier to navigate target value design.

- Karl Schantz, NBBJ

45 minutes into what was really a bad news meeting informing them the project was over budget, it became a healthy, collaborative discussion. With Join, we were able to show the owner a path back to their budget.

- Todd Marks, Swinerton

What I like about Join is it’s web-based. Anyone can go into it. It’s live. There’s no, ‘Hey, this is an old version’ or the formula isn’t working correctly.

- Tyler Campbell, Stantec